Photo & text credit: Slowdown Hotels
"I want you to feel good in your body."
Stefanie Dariz
Summer, a period of glowing and turbulence according to Chinese philosophy, is followed by autumn, bringing with it calmly. In order to calm down, we must first calm down our thoughts, and in the autumn, we achieve this by practicing “the grounding”.
To achieve such reinforcement and revitalization of the human connection with the earth, and the ground, it is necessary to empty our heads, to free ourselves from the thoughts that constantly force us to live for a moment somewhere in the future and make new plans. We need a reset, to stop the flow, and to be here and now. Present. Feel our bodies, feel the ground, the earth beneath us… We need silence and calm. Thus, we create space to put off the negativities that accumulate in our bodies.
Light in nature creates a movement of colours.

Stefanie Dariz, yoga teacher and personal trainer
Stephanie is a professional yoga teacher who will take you on a path of intense relaxation through regular yoga classes at the Schwarzschmeid Hotel through Vinyasa Yoga, Detox Yoga, Ashtanga and Sivananda. Stephanie studied and trained in Hawaii for 6 years. She says that yoga can be compared to a dance. A dance between tension and relaxation; it is a dance that teaches us to feel the moment, the pause, on the path of understanding our body and spirit.
The value: Glasshouse yoga - the experience
It was an early autumn morning. The morning mists had just disappeared and the sun had not yet illuminated the surrounding gardens and orchards. We visited an hour of easy morning yoga in the greenhouse with Stefanie.

"(Re)treat - a thought to warm the heart. It's all about taking the time, consciously, looking, working with yourself, returning strong and revitalised after a holistic sojurn."
There was a gentle fire crackling in the corner. Guests assumed their position on yoga mats, and instantly felt the pleasant energy of the greenhouse and large windows with a view of the garden and banana trees. We calmed ourselves, our breathing, and started. Stephanie’s gentle voice invited us to close our eyes and breathe. We followed, breathing with our abdomens, filling our chests completely with fresh air entering and leaving our bodies in the alternating waves of inhales and exhales.

You will enjoy yoga in harmony with nature.
We translated our breathing into body movements, listening to Stefanie. We were still focused on our breathing. Thoughts began to fade, muscles tensing as we inhaled and relaxing when we exhaled. Unnecessary thoughts evaporated, we only felt our body and heart. We were present at the moment, there and then. After an hour with Stephanie, one feels calm, relaxed, time calms down and thoughts are clear. Well-being settles into the body and the day begins with a new experience.
"The sea is a real treasure chest of natural substances"

"Calm and liveliness, movement and withdrawal, tension and relaxation. We all need different things at different times."
The value: Your own way of life
Yoga implies active care for the mind and body, so through yoga, a person grows in more ways than one. The growth means facing a person’s own thoughts, which are initially perceived through various types of yoga exercises, and then the person also faces them. Incorporating yoga and holistic approaches into the holiday set brings that authentic relaxation and disconnection from everyday activities.

Yoga classes take place at different hours of the day and are suited to every level of experience – from beginner to advanced. Meditations are available, as well as holistic sessions, which also include massages and other relaxing body treatments.
Silence becomes a time of fulfillment, a time when one can start to feel positive improvement regarding flow state of mind and flexibility of the body. In Schwarzschmeid everybody can find something for themselves.

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"Movement produces hormones that can reduce inner tensions. The body releases endorphins that make us feel happy."
The value: Health
Exercise boosts mental performance because the brain breathes better when more blood is flowing. The consolidation of existing connections is the key: creativity skyrockets and awareness boosts. Those who regularly activate their muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments, and joints, build antibodies and strengthen their heart and circulation. High consumption of calories stabilizes blood sugar levels and regular physical activity improves the immune system naturally. The metabolism then also helps us sleep better: from movement life is born.
Text: Alto