slowdown your time

Lana, South Tyrol
Summer, a period of glowing and turbulence according to Chinese philosophy, is followed by autumn, bringing with it calm. In order to calm down, we must first calm down our thoughts, and in the autumn, we achieve this by practicing “the grounding”. To achieve such reinforcement and revitalization of the human connection with the earth, and the ground, it is necessary to empty our heads, to free ourselves from the thoughts that constantly force us to live for a moment somewhere in the future and make new plans. We need a reset, to stop the flow, and to be here and now. Present. Feel our bodies, feel the ground, the earth beneath us… We need silence and calm. Thus, we create space to put off the negativities that accumulate in our body.

Saltpans Lepa Vida
"The pace of modern life is very stressful for our bodies. Moreover, we are also exposed to daily environmental pollution from water, air, and food, which has a negative effect on our bodies. If the body is exposed to such influences for longer periods of time, this can lead to the development of diseases. Therefore in Thalasso Spa Lepa Vida they recommend that you relax your body and soul before it is too late."

Los Hervideros
Los Hervideros cave is known as a spectacular natural wonder.
The waves force water into bizarre-shaped cliffs and labyrinth of coves and usually, a dramatic splash is possible to observe. There are many interesting pathways around the cliffs from where bubbling and boiling sea could be observed when caught in the labyrinth of caves.

Lagomar Museum,
Lagomar Museum is one of our favorite places in Lanzarote. And of course, is much more than just a museum. It is a museum with a famous restaurant. A house caught in the Volcano bubble in the small village of Nazaret. Spacious with lush vegetation and with the most amazing flooring of the house. It is like a beautiful labyrinth house with many beautiful places, each with its own powerful but also relaxing vibe.

House of Cesar Manrique
As the landscape of Lanzarote island is unique thanks to Volcano eruptions, Cesar Manrique just added some more uniqueness to this Island. His house is built inside a bubble of lava. He took the advantage of already made place inside the landscape and created a unique atmosphere by adding plants, white color, and blue water into the dark volcano landscape.